polymorphism - definitie. Wat is polymorphism
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Wat (wie) is polymorphism - definitie

Polymorphic; Polymorph; Polimorphism; Polymorphisms; Polymorphous; Polymorphs; Polymorphism (disambiguation); Diamorphic; Trimophism; Polymorph (disambiguation); Polymorphy

<theory, programming> A concept first identified by Christopher Strachey (1967) and developed by Hindley and Milner, allowing types such as list of anything. E.g. in Haskell: length :: [a] -> Int is a function which operates on a list of objects of any type, a (a is a type variable). This is known as parametric polymorphism. Polymorphic typing allows strong type checking as well as generic functions. ML in 1976 was the first language with polymorphic typing. Ad-hoc polymorphism (better described as overloading) is the ability to use the same syntax for objects of different types, e.g. "+" for addition of reals and integers or "-" for unary negation or diadic subtraction. Parametric polymorphism allows the same object code for a function to handle arguments of many types but overloading only reuses syntax and requires different code to handle different types. See also generic type variable. In object-oriented programming, the term is used to describe a variable that may refer to objects whose class is not known at compile time and which respond at run time according to the actual class of the object to which they refer. (2002-08-08)
·noun ·same·as Pleomorphism.
II. Polymorphism ·noun The capability of assuming different forms; the capability of widely varying in form.
III. Polymorphism ·noun Existence in many forms; the coexistence, in the same locality, of two or more distinct forms independent of sex, not connected by intermediate gradations, but produced from common parents.
¦ noun the occurrence of something in several different forms.
polymorphic adjective
polymorphous adjective



Polymorphism, polymorphic, polymorph, polymorphous, or polymorphy may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor polymorphism
1. polymorphism.
How to Make A Humanzee
2. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism.
How DNA Makes Us Who We Are _ Robert Plomin _ Talks at Google
3. Polymorphism is just a difference.
How DNA Makes Us Who We Are _ Robert Plomin _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor polymorphism
1. One particular gene involved in dopamine action – incidentally, by no means the only one that has been studied in this way – is the dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4). In some people, because of slight changes in spelling of the DNA sequences (a so–called polymorphism) making up this gene, the gene may be more biologically active, and this could be partly responsible for a religious bent.